Multi-cluster deployments

In this tutorial you will learn how to deploy an application, and use Liqo to replicate it on multiple clusters.

Offloading Multiple Pods Overview

In this example you will configure a scenario composed of a single entry point cluster used for the deployment of the applications (called origin cluster) and two destination clusters. The deployed application will be replicated on all destination clusters in order to deploy exactly one identical application on each destination cluster.

Provision the playground

First, make sure that the requirements for Liqo are satisfied.

Then, let’s open a terminal on your machine and launch the following script, which creates the three above-mentioned clusters with KinD and installs Liqo on all of them.

git clone
cd liqo
git checkout master
cd examples/replicated-deployments

Export the kubeconfigs environment variables to use them in the rest of the tutorial:

export KUBECONFIG=liqo_kubeconf_europe-cloud
export KUBECONFIG_EUROPE_ROME_EDGE=liqo_kubeconf_europe-rome-edge
export KUBECONFIG_EUROPE_MILAN_EDGE=liqo_kubeconf_europe-milan-edge


We suggest exporting the kubeconfig of the origin cluster as default (i.e., KUBECONFIG), since you will mainly interact with it.

Now you should have three clusters with Liqo running. The setup script named them europe-cloud, europe-rome-edge and europe-milan-edge, and respectively configured the following cluster labels:

  • origin:

  • europe-rome-edge:

  • europe-milan-edge:

Peer the clusters

Now, you can establish new Liqo peerings from origin to destination clusters:

liqoctl peer --remote-kubeconfig "$KUBECONFIG_EUROPE_ROME_EDGE" --server-service-type NodePort
liqoctl peer --remote-kubeconfig "$KUBECONFIG_EUROPE_MILAN_EDGE" --server-service-type NodePort

When the above commands return successfully, you can check the peering status by running:

kubectl get foreignclusters

The output should look like the following, indicating that an outgoing peering is currently active towards both the europe-rome-edge and the europe-milan-edge clusters, and that the cross-cluster network tunnels have been established:

NAME                ROLE       AGE
europe-milan-edge   Provider   27s
europe-rome-edge    Provider   55s

Additionally, you should have two new virtual nodes in the origin cluster, characterized by the labels set at install-time:

kubectl get node --show-labels
europe-milan-edge   Ready    agent   100s   v1.30.0   [...],,,,,
europe-rome-edge    Ready    agent   2m     v1.30.0   [...],,,,,


Some of the default labels were omitted for the sake of clarity.

Tune namespace offloading

Now, let’s pretend you want to deploy an application that needs to be scheduled on all destination clusters, but not in the origin one. First, we create a new namespace, then enable Liqo offloading to it:

kubectl create namespace liqo-demo

Then, enable Liqo offloading for that namespace:

liqoctl offload namespace liqo-demo \
  --namespace-mapping-strategy EnforceSameName \
  --pod-offloading-strategy Remote \
  --selector ''

The above command configures Liqo with the following behaviour (see the dedicated usage page for additional information concerning namespace offloading configurations):

  • The liqo-demo namespace, and the contained resources, are offloaded only to the clusters with the label.

  • The pods living in the liqo-demo namespace are scheduled only on virtual nodes.

  • With the EnforceSameName mapping strategy, we instruct Liqo to create the offloaded namespace in the remote cluster with the same name as the local one. This is not required, but it has been done for the sake of clarity in this example.


This example uses selectors, but they are not strictly necessary here, as all peered clusters have been targeted as destination. Selectors become necessary in case you want to target a subset of peered clusters. More information are available in the offloading with policies example.

You can now query for the namespaces either in the europe-rome-edge or europe-milan-edge cluster to see if the remote namespace has been correctly created by Liqo:

kubectl get namespaces liqo-demo --kubeconfig="$KUBECONFIG_EUROPE_ROME_EDGE"
kubectl get namespaces liqo-demo --kubeconfig="$KUBECONFIG_EUROPE_MILAN_EDGE"

If everything is correct, both commands should return an output similar to the following:

liqo-demo   Active   70s

Deploy applications

Now it is time to deploy the application.

In order to create a replica of the application in each destination cluster, you need to enforce the following conditions:

  • The deployment resource must produce at least one pod for each destination cluster.

  • Each destination cluster must schedule at most one pod on its nodes.

To obtain this result you can leverage the following features available in kubernetes:

  • Set a number of replicas in the deployment which is equal to the number of destination clusters

  • Set topologySpreadConstraints inside the deployment’s template, which sets the maxSkew equal to 1.

The file ./manifests/deploy.yaml contains an example of a deployment which satisfies these conditions. Let’s deploy it:

kubectl apply -f ./manifests/deploy.yaml -n liqo-demo

More replicas

If the deployment uses a number of replicas which is higher than the number of virtual nodes, the pods will be scheduled respecting the maxSkew value, which guarantees that the difference between the maximum number of pods (scheduled on a single node) and the minimum will be 1.

We can check the pod status and verify that each destination cluster has scheduled one pod on its nodes, i.e., one pod has been scheduled onto the europe-rome-edge cluster, and the other on europe-milan-edge, and they are both correctly running:

kubectl get pod -n liqo-demo -o wide
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP            NODE                NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
liqo-demo-app-777fb9fc8-bbt4d   1/1     Running   0          7m28s   liqo-europe-rome-edge   <none>           <none>
liqo-demo-app-777fb9fc8-wrjph   1/1     Running   0          7m28s   liqo-europe-milan-edge   <none>           <none>

Tear down the playground

Our example is finished; now we can remove all the created resources and tear down the playground.

Unoffload namespaces

Before starting the uninstallation process, make sure that all namespaces are unoffloaded:

liqoctl unoffload namespace liqo-demo

Revoke peerings

Similarly, make sure that all the peerings are revoked:

liqoctl unpeer --remote-kubeconfig "$KUBECONFIG_EUROPE_ROME_EDGE"
liqoctl unpeer --remote-kubeconfig "$KUBECONFIG_EUROPE_MILAN_EDGE"

At the end of the process, the virtual nodes are removed from the local cluster.

Uninstall Liqo

Now you can uninstall Liqo from your clusters:

liqoctl uninstall --skip-confirm
liqoctl uninstall --kubeconfig="$KUBECONFIG_EUROPE_ROME_EDGE" --skip-confirm
liqoctl uninstall --kubeconfig="$KUBECONFIG_EUROPE_MILAN_EDGE" --skip-confirm


By default the Liqo CRDs will remain in the cluster, but they can be removed with the --purge flag.

Destroy clusters

To teardown the KinD clusters, you can issue:

kind delete cluster --name origin
kind delete cluster --name europe-rome-edge
kind delete cluster --name europe-milan-edge