Peer two Clusters

This section describes the procedure to establish a peering with a remote provider cluster.


The peering process leverages liqoctl to interact with the clusters, abstracting the creation and update of the appropriate custom resources. To this end, it:

  • creates the networking fabric to securely enable the communication between the two clusters,

  • authenticates the consumer with the provider

  • ask the provider for a certain amount of resource to schedule the workloads

  • creates a VirtualNode on the consumer to schedule workloads and consume provider resources.

As a result, a new ForeignCluster resource is created, which represents a remote cluster and is univocally identified by its identity (i.e., cluster ID). Additionally, its status reports a summary of the current peering status, including the role (i.e, consumer and/or provider), the associated authentication and networking endpoints, and the peering conditions for each module (i.e., whether the networking/authentication/offloading is established, and the status of its associated resources).

The following sections present the respective procedures to peer a local cluster A (i.e., the consumer), with a remote cluster B (i.e., the provider). At the end of the process, a new virtual node is created in the consumer, abstracting the resources shared by the provider, and enabling seamless pod offloading to the remote cluster. Additional details are also provided to enable the reverse peering direction, hence achieving a bidirectional peering, allowing both clusters to offload a part of their workloads to the other.

All examples leverage two different contexts to refer to consumer and provider clusters, respectively named consumer and provider.


liqoctl displays a kubectl compatible behavior concerning Kubernetes API access, hence supporting the KUBECONFIG environment variable, as well as all the standard flags, including --kubeconfig and --context. Ensure you selected the correct target cluster before issuing liqoctl commands (as you would do with kubectl).


The peering command requires the user to provide the kubeconfig of both consumer and provider clusters, as it will apply resources on both clusters. To perform a peering without having access to both clusters, you need to manually apply on your cluster the resources and exchange with the remote cluster all the resources needed over out-of-band mediums (refer to the individual guides describing the procedure for each module).

Performed steps

The peering command enables all 3 liqo modules and performs the following steps:

  1. enables networking. Exchanges network configurations and creates the two gateways (server in the provider, client in the consumer) to let the two clusters communicate over a secure tunnel.

  2. enables authentication. Authenticates the consumer with the provider. In this step, the consumer obtains an Identity (kubeconfig) to replicate resources to the provider cluster.

  3. enables offloading. The consumer creates and replicates to the provider a ResourceSlice, to ask and obtain an Identity to consume a fixed amount of resources from the provider. At the end of the process, the consumer obtains a virtual node to schedule workloads.

The command is intended to be a wrapper to simplify the peering process. You can configure and fine-tune each module separately using the individual commands:

  1. liqoctl network (networking module)

  2. liqoctl authenticate (authentication module)

  3. liqoctl create resourceslice or liqoctl create virtualnode (offloading module)

For the majority and the cases the liqoctl peer is enough. However, to know the best strategy for each case and the requirements of each approach, check the peering strategies guide.

Peering establishment

To proceed, ensure that you are operating in the consumer cluster, and then issue the liqoctl peer command:

liqoctl --kubeconfig=$CONSUMER_KUBECONFIG_PATH peer --remote-kubeconfig $PROVIDER_KUBECONFIG_PATH


The establishment of a peering with a remote cluster leveraging a different version of Liqo, net of patch releases, is currently not supported, and could lead to unexpected results.

You should see the following output:

 INFO   (local) Network configuration correctly retrieved
 INFO   (remote) Network configuration correctly retrieved
 INFO   (local) Network configuration correctly set up
 INFO   (remote) Network configuration correctly set up
 INFO   (local) Configuration applied successfully
 INFO   (remote) Configuration applied successfully
 INFO   (local) Network correctly initialized
 INFO   (remote) Network correctly initialized
 INFO   (remote) Gateway server correctly set up
 INFO   (remote) Gateway pod gw-cluster1 is ready
 INFO   (remote) Gateway server Service created successfully
 INFO   (local) Gateway client correctly set up
 INFO   (local) Gateway pod gw-cluster2 is ready
 INFO   (remote) Gateway server Secret created successfully
 INFO   (local) Public key correctly created
 INFO   (local) Gateway client Secret created successfully
 INFO   (remote) Public key correctly created
 INFO   (remote) Connection created successfully
 INFO   (local) Connection created successfully
 INFO   (local) Connection is established
 INFO   (remote) Connection is established
 INFO   (local) Tenant namespace correctly ensured
 INFO   (remote) Tenant namespace correctly ensured
 INFO   (remote) Nonce secret ensured
 INFO   (remote) Nonce generated successfully
 INFO   (remote) Nonce retrieved
 INFO   (local) Signed nonce secret ensured
 INFO   (local) Nonce is signed
 INFO   (local) Signed nonce retrieved
 INFO   (local) Tenant correctly generated
 INFO   (remote) Tenant correctly applied on provider cluster
 INFO   (remote) Tenant status is filled
 INFO   (remote) Identity correctly generated
 INFO   (local) Identity correctly applied on consumer cluster
 INFO   (local) Identity status is filled
 INFO   (local) ResourceSlice created
 INFO   (local) ResourceSlice authentication: Accepted
 INFO   (local) ResourceSlice resources: Accepted


If you can’t make the Kubernetes API Server of the provider cluster reachable from the consumer, you can leverage on in-band peering. You can enable this by setting the --in-band flag in the liqoctl peer command, which automatically configure all the features needed for this mechanism to work (i.e., the API server proxy and the IP remapping).


For this feature to work, the Liqo networking module must be enabled.


The command configures the above-described modules. It waits for the different modules to be set correctly (this might require a few seconds, depending on the download time of the required images). At the end, a new ForeignCluster resource will appear on both clusters, containing the status of the peering.

The ForeignCluster resource can be inspected through kubectl:

kubectl --kubeconfig $CONSUMER_KUBECONFIG_PATH get foreignclusters

If the peering process is completed successfully, you should observe an output similar to the following. In the consumer cluster:

Cluster consumer
NAME       ROLE       AGE
cl-provider   Provider   110s

In the provider cluster:

Cluster provider
NAME       ROLE       AGE
cl-consumer   Consumer   3m16s

At the same time, a new virtual node has been created in the consumer cluster. Specifically:

kubectl --kubeconfig $CONSUMER_KUBECONFIG_PATH get nodes -l

Should return an output similar to the following:

provider   Ready    agent   4m53s   v1.29.1


The name of the ForeignCluster resources, as well as that of the virtual node, reflects the cluster IDs specified for the two clusters.

Check status of peerings

Via liqoctl it is possible to check status and info about the active peerings:

  • To get some brief info about the health of the active peerings:

    liqoctl info
  • To get detailed info about peerings:

    liqoctl info peer

By specifing one of more cluster IDs, you can get status and info of one or more peers. For example to get the status of the peerings with clusters cl01 and cl02:

liqoctl info peer cl01 cl02

By default the output is presented in a human-readable form. However, to simplify automate retrieval of the data, via the -o option it is possible to format the output in JSON or YAML format. Moreover via the --get field.subfield argument, each field of the reports can be individually retrieved.

For example:

Get a complete dump of peerings in JSON format
liqoctl info peer -o json
Get the amount of resources shared with peer cl01
liqoctl info peer cl01 --get authentication.resourceslices

Bidirectional peering

Once the peering from the consumer to the provider has been established, the reverse direction (i.e., leading to a bidirectional peering) can be enabled through the same procedure.

liqoctl --kubeconfig $PROVIDER_KUBECONFIG_PATH peer --remote-kubeconfig $CONSUMER_KUBECONFIG_PATH

Tear down

A peering can be disabled by leveraging the symmetric liqoctl unpeer command, causing the local virtual node (abstracting the remote cluster) to be destroyed, and all offloaded workloads to be rescheduled:

liqoctl --kubeconfig $CONSUMER_KUBECONFIG_PATH unpeer --remote-kubeconfig $PROVIDER_KUBECONFIG_PATH

The reverse peering direction, if any, is preserved, and the remote cluster can continue offloading workloads to its virtual node representing the local cluster. Hence, the specular command shall be executed on the opposite clusters to completely tear down a bidirectional peering.

liqoctl --kubeconfig $PROVIDER_KUBECONFIG_PATH unpeer --remote-kubeconfig $CONSUMER_KUBECONFIG_PATH