Declarative peering

Declarative peerings are supported starting from Liqo 1.0, which means that you can create a set of CRs describing the peering with a remote cluster, which is automatically set up once the CRs are applied on both sides. This simplifies automation, GitOps and continuous delivery: for example, you might have your Git repository with the manifests describing the peerings, and an instance of ArgoCD which synchronizes the changes on the clusters, creating and destroying the peerings.

This documentation page analizes how to declaratively configure each of the Liqo modules:

  • Networking

  • Authentication

  • Offloading

Tenant namespace

Before starting to configure the peerings, you need to create a tenant namespace in both clusters that you need to peer. This tenant namespace must refer to the peering with a specific cluster, hence a distinct tenant namespace must be created per each peering. All the resources needed to configure the peering must be created in those namespaces. A tenant namespace can have an arbitrary name, but it must have the following labels: <PEER_CLUSTER_ID> "true"

Where PEER_CLUSTER_ID is the cluster id of the peer cluster defined at installation time, it can be obtained by launching the following command on the remote cluster:

liqoctl info --get clusterid
kubectl get configmaps -n liqo liqo-clusterid-configmap \
  --template {{.data.CLUSTER_ID}}

Configuring the tenant namespace on consumer cluster

The following is an example of tenant namespace named liqo-tenant-cl-provider, which refers to the peering with a cluster with id cl-provider:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  labels: cl-provider "true"
  name: liqo-tenant-cl-provider
spec: {}

Configuring the tenant namespace on the provider cluster

The following is an example of tenant namespace on the provider cluster, named liqo-tenant-cl-consumer, which refers to the peering with the consumer cluster with id cl-consumer:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  labels: cl-consumer "true"
  name: liqo-tenant-cl-consumer
spec: {}


When peering is configured, the tenant namespace names of provider and consumer clusters do not need to match or follow any specific pattern

Declarative network configuration

By default, the network connection between clusters is established using a secure channel created via Wireguard. In this case, one cluster (usually the provider) needs to host a server gateway that exposes a UDP port that must be reachable from the client gateway (usually running on the consumer cluster).

In this guide, we will configure the client gateway on the consumer cluster and the server gateway on the provider cluster, which is the most common setup.

However, given that the setup of the network peering is independent from the offloading role of the cluster (i.e., consumer vs. provider), you may choose to invert the client/server roles in case this is more convenient for your setup.

Creating and exchanging the network configurations (both clusters)

The clusters that needs to be connected requires the network configuration of the peer cluster, which is provided via the Configuration CR. You can check an example of the resources to apply at the following documentation page.

The Configuration resource should be applied in both clusters and it must contain the pod and external CIDR of the peer cluster. (cluster A has the CIDR config of B and vice versa).

The CIDRs are defined at installation time, you can check the values of the pod and the external CIDR configured in the local cluster by running:

kubectl get -n liqo external-cidr -o=jsonpath={'.status.cidr'}

Creating and exchanging the Wireguard keys (both clusters)

To enable authentication and encryption, Wireguard requires a key pair, one for each gateway.

Those keys can be created via the Wireguard utility tool or via OpenSSL like so:

openssl genpkey -algorithm X25519 -outform der -out private.der
openssl pkey -inform der -in private.der -pubout -outform der -out public.der

# Get the Wireguard private key
echo "Private key:"; cat private.der | tail -c 32 | base64
# Get the Wireguard public key
echo "Public key:"; cat public.der | tail -c 32 | base64

At this point, you need to create in each cluster a secret containing this pair of keys:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: gw-keys
  namespace: <TENANT_NAMESPACE>
type: Opaque

where WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY and WIREGUARD_PUBLIC_KEY are the previously generated key pairs for that specific cluster (each cluster has its pair of keys).

Additionally, each cluster should have a PublicKey resource with the public key of the peer cluster (cluster A has the public key of B and vice versa):

kind: PublicKey
  name: gw-publickey
  namespace: <TENANT_NAMESPACE>

In order to make things work, make sure that the PublicKey resource has the labels: <HERE_THE_CLUSTER_ID_OF_PEER_CLUSTER> "true"

Configuring the server gateway (provider cluster)

By default, a Wireguard tunnel connects the clusters peered with Liqo. This section shows how to configure the gateway server, where the client will connect to.

The GatewayServer resource describes the configuration of the gateway server, and should be applied on the cluster acting as server for the tunnel creation. You can check here an example of the GatewayServer CR.

When you create the GatewayServer resource, make sure to specify the secretRef pointing to the key pairs we created before.

Note that under .spec.endpoint of the GatewayServer resource you can configure a fixed nodePort or loadBalancerIP (if supported by your provider) to have a precise UDP port or IP address for the gateway, so that the configuration of the client that connects to it can be defined in advance.

The following is an example of the GatewayServer resource, configured in the provider cluster, exposing the gateway using NodePort on port 30742:

kind: GatewayServer
  labels: <CONSUMER_CLUSTER_ID>   # the remote cluster ID
  name: server
    port: 51840
    serviceType: NodePort
    nodePort: 30742
  mtu: 1340
    kind: WgGatewayServerTemplate
    name: wireguard-server
    namespace: liqo


  • CONSUMER_CLUSTER_ID is the cluster ID of the consumer, where the gateway client runs;

  • PROVIDER_TENANT_NAMESPACE is the tenant namespace on the provider cluster, where, in this case, we are configuring the gateway server;

  • WIREGUARD_KEYS_SECRET_NAME is the name of the secret with the Wireguard key pairs we created before.

Configuring the client gateway (consumer cluster)

The other cluster, in this case the consumer, needs to run the client gateway connecting to the service exposed by the provider cluster.

The GatewayClient resource describes the configuration of the gateway client, it should contain the parameters to connect to service exposed by the gateway server.

The following is an example of the GatewayClient CR to connect to the gateway server that we previously configured:

kind: GatewayClient
  creationTimestamp: null
  labels: <PROVIDER_CLUSTER_ID>   # the remote cluster ID
  name: client
    kind: WgGatewayClientTemplate
    name: wireguard-client
    namespace: liqo
    - <REMOTE_IP>
    port: 30742
    protocol: UDP
  mtu: 1340


  • PROVIDER_CLUSTER_ID is the cluster ID of the provider, where the gateway server is running;

  • CONSUMER_TENANT_NAMESPACE is the tenant namespace on the consumer cluster, where, in this case, we are configuring the gateway client;

  • WIREGUARD_KEYS_SECRET_NAME is the name of the secret with the Wireguard key pairs we created before;

  • REMOTE_IP: is the IP address of one of the nodes of the provider cluster, as we configured a NodePort service. If the service was a LoadBalancer the IP would be the one of the load balancer ar a FQDN pointing to it.

Summary of network configuration

To sum up, to set up the network, both clusters need:

  • a Configuration resource with the network configuration of the peer cluster

  • a Secret containing the Wireguard public and private keys

  • a PublicKey with the Wireguard public key of the peer cluster

In addition:

  • the provider cluster will have a GatewayServer resource

  • the consumer cluster a GatewayClient resource connecting to the peer Gateway server.

Once you applied all the required resources, the client should be able to connect to the server and create the tunnel.

You can get the Connection resource to check the status of the tunnel, as shown here.

Declarative configuration of clusters authentication

This section shows how to configure the authentication between the clusters, allowing the consumer cluster to ask for resources.

When authentication is manually configured, the user is in charge of providing the credentials with the permission required by the consumer cluster to operate.

If your are not familiar with how authentication works in Kubernetes you can check this documentation page. You can also check here to know how to issue a certificate for a user.


Note that with EKS authentication via client certificate is not directly supported. You can check here how access control works in eks.

Consumer cluster role binding (provider cluster)

Once we created (in the provider cluster) the credentials the consumer can work with, we need to provide the minimum permission required by the consumer to operate. Note that the consumer cluster will never directly create workloads on the remote cluster and, at this stage, it should have only the permissions to create the liqo resources to ask for the approval of a ResourceSlice.

To do so, you need to bind the newly created user to the liqo-remote-controlpane role. This can be done by creating the following RoleBinding resource in the tenant namespace of the provider cluster:

kind: RoleBinding
  name: liqo-binding-liqo-remote-controlplane
  namespace: <TENANT_NAMESPACE>
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: liqo-remote-controlplane
- apiGroup:
  kind: User

where, when the user authenticates via a certificate signed by the cluster CA, USER_COMMON_NAME is the CN field of the certificate.

Creation of a tenant for the consumer cluster (provider cluster)

On the provider side, to allow the authentication of a consumer, we will need to create a Tenant resource for it. This resource is useful to control the remote consumer (e.g. if the provider would like to prevent a remote consumer to negotiate more resources, it can set the tenant condition to Cordoned, stopping any other resources negotiation).

Note that, in the case of declarative configuration, there will not be any handshake between the clusters, so we will need to configure the tenant so that it accepts the ResourceSlice of the given consumer, even though no handshake occurred. This can be done setting TolerateNoHandshake as authzPolicy like in the following example:

kind: Tenant
  name: my-tenant
  namespace: <TENANT_NAMESPACE>
  authzPolicy: TolerateNoHandshake
  tenantCondition: Active

Add the credentials on the consumer cluster (consumer cluster)

The previously created credentials on the provider cluster should be given to the consumer cluster. To do so, you should create a Secret containing the kubeconfig with the credentials to operate on the provider cluster, having the following labels: ControlPlane <PROVIDER_CLUSTER_ID>


Where the PROVIDER_TENANT_NAMESPACE is the tenant namespace that we created on the provider cluster for the peering with this consumer.

The following is an example of identity secret:

apiVersion: v1
  kubeconfig: <BASE64_KUBECONFIG>
kind: Secret
  labels: ControlPlane <PROVIDER_CLUSTER_ID>
  name: cplane-secret
  namespace: <TENANT_NAMESPACE>

Once you create this secret, the liqo-crd-replicator starts the replication of the resources, and enables the creation of ResourceSlice resources targetting the provider cluster. This allows the consumer to start negotiating resources with the provider cluster.

After the secret creation, the logs of the liqo-crd-replicator should contain the following records:

 k logs -n liqo liqo-crd-replicator-68f9f55dfc-bc4l8 --tail 5

I1107 10:05:29.249872       1 crdReplicator-operator.go:94] Processing Secret "liqo-tenant-cl02/kubeconfig-controlplane-cl02"
I1107 10:05:29.254977       1 reflector.go:90] [cl02] Starting reflection towards remote cluster
I1107 10:05:29.255001       1 reflector.go:131] [cl02] Starting reflection of, Resource=namespacemaps
I1107 10:05:29.255035       1 reflector.go:131] [cl02] Starting reflection of, Resource=resourceslices
I1107 10:05:29.355741       1 reflector.go:163] [cl02] Reflection of, Resource=resourceslices correctly started

Summary of authentication configuration

To sum up, to set up the authentication, on the provider cluster you will need to:

  • Create the credentials to be used by the consumer

  • Bind the credentials to the liqo-remote-controlplane role

  • Create a Tenant resource for the consumer

While, on the consumer side:

  • Create a new secret containing the kubeconfig with the credentials to access to the provider cluster

Declarative configuration of namespace offloading

While offloading is independent from the network, which means that it is possible to negotiate resources and configure a namespace offloading without the inter-cluster network enabled, a working authentication configuration is a pre-requisite to enable offloading.

Ask for resources: configure a ResourceSlice (consumer cluster)

The ResourceSlice resource is the CR that defines the computational resources requested by the consumer to the provider cluster. It should be created on the tenant namespace of the consumer cluster, and it is automatically forwarded to the provider cluster, which can accept or reject it.

The following is an example of ResourceSlice:

kind: ResourceSlice
  annotations: "true"
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: test
  class: default
  providerClusterID: <PROVIDER_CLUSTER_ID>
    cpu: 20
    memory: 128Gi

If the request above is successfully accepted by the provider, a new (virtual) node, impersonating the provider cluster, will make available the requested resorces on the consumer cluster.

To know more about ResourceSlice and VirtualNode check this section of the documentation.

Enable offloading and K8s resources availability on remote clusters

By default, the virtual nodes are not eligible for task scheduling, unless offloading is enabled for the namespace where pod is running. To do so, a NamespaceOffloading, like the following, should be created:

kind: NamespaceOffloading
  name: offloading
  namespace: demo
    nodeSelectorTerms: []
  namespaceMappingStrategy: DefaultName
  podOffloadingStrategy: LocalAndRemote

The NamespaceOffloading resource should be created in the namespace that we would like to extend on the remote clusters.

For example, the resource above, extends the demo namespace on all the configured provider clusters. Since the podOffloadingStrategy policy is LocalAndRemote, the a new pod could be executed either locally or remotely depending on the choice made by the vanilla Kubernetes scheduler (e.g., if the remote virtual node is plenty of free resources, it may be preferred against local nodes that are already used by other pods).

Check here to know more about namespace offloading.


Currently, the NamespaceOffloading resource must be created before scheduling a pod on a remote cluster.

For example, if we configure a pod to run on the remote cluster, but the pod is created before setting the NamespaceOffloading resource, that pod will remain in a Pending state forever, also after the namespace is actually offloaded.

Therefore, make sure to offload a namespace before starting scheduling pods on it.